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Tag: accountant

Close-up image of IRS Form 1065 on a clipboard with the title "Do I Have to Be an Accountant to File a 1065?" and the website @anifinancials.com.

Do I Have to Be an Accountant to File a 1065?

So, you’re thinking about filing a Form 1065, but you’re not an accountant. You’re wondering if that’s a problem. Well, the short answer is no, you don’t have to be an accountant to file a 1065. But hold on, it’s not quite that simple. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what filing a Form 1065

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Smiling professional in a suit pointing to the text, "Do You Need an Accountant to File Tax Return for Corporation?" with the A&I Financials logo in the corner.

Do You Need an Accountant to File Tax Return for Corporation?

Hey there, fellow business owners! As we march towards tax season, the question on every entrepreneur’s mind is, “Do you need an accountant to file tax return for corporation?” The short answer is yes, and here’s why. The Tax Filing Requirements for Corporations Running a corporation involves a mountain of responsibilities, one of which is

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Person thinking with text "What are the US GAAP Principles?" on a blue and green background.

What are the US GAAP Principles? In-Depth & Precise

Have you ever wondered why financial statements from different companies often look so similar? The answer lies in the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). So, what are the US GAAP principles? US GAAP is a collection of commonly-followed accounting rules and standards for financial reporting. History of GAAP The history of Generally

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Professional man in a suit pointing to text 'What is the Full Disclosure Principle in Accounting?' with the URL @anifinancials.com on a green background

What is the Full Disclosure Principle in Accounting? Case Studies included

Hey there, ever wondered what “full disclosure” means in the world of accounting? It might sound a bit fancy, but it’s really all about honesty and transparency. Let me break it down for you in simple terms. The full disclosure principle in accounting means that all financial statements should include all the information necessary to

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Man pondering over financial data, with 'How Do Accounting Standards Affect Financial Reporting?' and A&I Financials branding.

How Do Accounting Standards Affect Financial Reporting?

Ever wondered how the complex world of numbers and financial reports is standardized across different companies worldwide? Well, it all boils down to accounting standards. These aren’t just rules but are the backbone that supports the transparency, consistency, and comparability of financial reporting. The Foundation of Financial Reporting At the heart of any successful business

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A surprised man next to a stack of hundred-dollar bills and bold text reading "Do You File Your Tax Returns by Yourself? Be Safe!"

Do You File Your Tax Returns by Yourself? BE SAFE!

Filing your own tax returns can be quite a journey. It’s a mix of anticipation and dread, but many people choose to take the plunge and handle it themselves. Why do they do it? Is it worth the effort? Yes, many find it rewarding and cost-effective. Let’s dive into the world of self-filing tax returns

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A person in a business suit is reviewing tax documents with filing cabinets in the background. Text overlay reads "How Long Should a Tax Preparer Keep Client Records?" with a web address @anifinancials.com.

How Long Should a Tax Preparer Keep Client Records?

Have you ever wondered how long should a tax preparer keep client records? Let’s dive into it. The quick answer is, typically, for at least three years. But there’s much more to it than that. It’s not just about ticking boxes and following rules. It’s about understanding the whys and hows that make record retention

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A graphic with the title "How to Check if My Accountant is Filing My Taxes Correctly?" showing a person using a calculator and computer with images of money and coins.

How to Check if My Accountant is Filing My Taxes Correctly? Fraud?

Taxes. Just hearing the word can cause a headache. But having a good accountant should make it a breeze, right? Well, not always. Sometimes, you might wonder, how to check if my accountant is filing my taxes correctly? Let’s dive into how you can check if your accountant is doing things by the book. Spoiler:

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Calculator displaying "TAX-2024" with documents and coins in the background.

How Much Will It Cost to Hire an Accountant to Do My Taxes?

Taxes. Just hearing the word can make many of us cringe. They’re a necessary evil, an annual task that seems to get more complicated each year. If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered, “How much will it cost to hire an accountant to do my taxes?” Well, let’s dive into that and see what it’s

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